Well the unfathomable happened this past week. I was out running errands and received a call from my son’s school nurse. He was there complaining of a terrible headache. He was playing football during recess and dove head first into the ground! He had this headache since the incident and told no one. He was in his last period and decided to tell a teacher. I took him to the ER and just as we thought. It was a mild concussion. The reason I said it was unfathomable is because he is not that interested in sports. At least I thought he wasn’t. Poor J, living in a house full of girls. I thought he was throwing a ball around here and there but had no idea it was a daily occurrence.
This is a reminder for me to check in with your kids every once in a while. Don’t get me wrong, I am a very involved parent. I ask how their day was, anything special happen, what was the best part of the day, homework…usual conversations when they come home. I never thought to ask about his recess activities and if he was playing sports using safety precautions.
Well the Dr prescribed rest, no concentrating. So no homework, no reading for fun, no VIDEO GAMES. J…”your brain needs rest, lots of it.” J seemed to enjoy not having to do the dishes or homework. We are thankful that he was not seriously injured. Lessons learned for both of us.
This was his very first football, given to him as a Christmas gift from his favorite Aggie cousin. 🙂
oh wow! that is scary! glad he has a prescription that he doesn’t mind taking 🙂
Yes Hope, it was! He thought he was going to pass out and was in a lot of pain. When the Dr said, no homework he was like “What?” It was so funny… He doing great now, tossing footballs around again. 🙂