We are at week four of our 52 week project. 18 amazing photographer, 18 interpretations. To read more about it, go here. This week’s theme is “SIGNS”.
This theme could not have come at a better time. Last week, our 8 yr old’s bicycle was stolen from her elementary school. We bought it a few days before Christmas. Dec 20 to be exact. This was her first big girl bike with the brake levers on the handle bars. So exciting! So she decides to take it school. We don’t have a bike lock, never thought we needed one. We live in a very safe community, so who would take the bike? And so after choir practice she walked home. It didn’t occur to us that she left her bike until after we were heading out to walk our dog, the next day. We walked to the school only to find her helmet, no bike. K was upset, I was fuming. Hubby and I decided that it would be a good idea to post flyers or “signs”. So we typed some up and posted them over the weekend. We even have one up at the Starbuck’s and at the school’s bike rack. It has been a week and nothing. It’s gone. Whenever I head out to run an errand I cant keep myself from taking an extra look here or there. I have been taking different routes home in hopes of finding it too. K is soooo sweet and offered to use her birthday money to buy a new one. I don’t think I’ll let her do that. Even when we do buy her a new one, I don’t know when I’ll eventually stop looking.
On a lighter note! Check out the awesome Hannah Mayo | West Palm Beach, FL Photographer’s new website (love it) and her interpretation of this week’s theme! See you next week!
Ugh I am sorry. When I was in college bought a blue beach cruiser, and a month later some cut through my lock and stole it in the middle of the night. I’m still sad about it.
I’m so sorry her bike got stolen. That is so sad. Hopefuly someone will return it. Great interpretation.
so sorry gigi! i hope the bike is found!
Yes, unfortunately, this theme did come at the perfect time. I can’t believe that… I’m guessing it was probably some middle school kids, but it really does seem like you’d run across it in your town. I’m sorry that she’s having to go through this… so upsetting. 🙁
Sorry about K bike, but I like how you capture this moment in your life.
Awwww that’s super crappy! I’ve had a bajillion bikes stolen and I’ve never once found any of them. So sad. Love your pic lady 🙂
So sorry about the bike loss….great picture though…hope you do find the bike…keep us posted.
oh that is so sad.
i feel so sorry for your daughter.
i love your image, though.
I’m so sorry! What an awful thing to have happen. I really hope you find her bike.
I love your image too.
Well, Gigi, I already know that there’s a happy ending to this story. I thought your next post was the 52 project at first!!
I’m sorry you had to go through this, though. Your poor little girl willing to use her birthday money to buy a new one. What a little sweet heart!
Yea for signs that do their intended job. Glad y’all have the bike back!