This gorgeous silhouette of K reminds of childhood to the fullest and all the wonderful times and adventures that come with it! Fun and carefree! Enjoy.
This gorgeous silhouette of K reminds of childhood to the fullest and all the wonderful times and adventures that come with it! Fun and carefree! Enjoy.
Here’s what I’ve been up to. As I had mentioned before, the Finding the lighting workshop I’m taking is in full swing. Am absolutely loving it. J2 was so sweet to let me photograph her. Well I did promise her a tootsie pop, lol. The first photo below was showcased on their blog. You can view it and other amazing photos here. Here are a few more. Photo overload! Enjoy!
Friends forever, friends for life. It always warms my heart to see my girls be loving with one another BUT its not always that way. As with all relationships it has its up and downs. From experience I know that things will turn out for the better when we try a little harder in all our relationships, especially with someone you love. Same for siblings, same for you, me and others. It’s hard work. In the end, I can always rest assured that they will be there for one another not matter what… That’s love, that’s friendship.
K and J2
“Sunshine is my quest.” ~Winston Churchill
I am currently taking a lighting workshop and am being pushed beyond my comfort zone. It has been so rewarding thus far and is helping me define my style. I know this for sure, I love light!!! I love seeing how the light falls on people and things around us. The sun is amazing and creates such a magical scene. It’s tones, light and shadows. Some would say the sun as a star is rather ordinary but to us it’s truly extraordinary. Kind of like people. Sometimes when we least expect it, the person standing next to us is the brightest star. It’s up to us to notice it.
Here is S, helping her Mama out. Or as she would call me, “mother.”
A great and talented friend, Lisa of Lisa McWhorter Photography started a series of everyday photographs for the month of October. The image below was inspired by this series. Lisa you are awesome, thank you for inspiring me as well as reminding me that the everyday is what we’ll remember the most. Images like these warm my heart.
Here J1 was teaching his sisters how to remove dried glue stick goo from the patio window. The goo is courtesy of Baby Z…
I’ve been so busy with back to school around here that I’m neglecting my blog. However, I have been continuing to take photos for my Kids were here project. Here are days 3-5. Enjoy!
Day 1
Day 4
Day 5
Kids were here is a project created by an awesome friend of mine, Ketti Phillips of Ketti Photography. It’s a 30 day project detailing the lives of kids without showing “kids”. 🙂 It has been really fun and rewarding documenting the day to day of all my children. Mess is art. Enjoy!
Day 1
Day 2
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.” — E.E. Cummings
Don’t change who you are, don’t ever stop fighting for what you love and believe in.
Conquer fears, take chances.
Be different, be you.
Take flight…
M celebrated her 9th birthday this Monday. It was cloudy and gloomy day. Ideal weather for a bittersweet birthday. Her BF of two years was moving away. It was so heartbreaking to see my little one so sad. I try to remind her that we are a part of a special community but with that comes saying goodbye to the ones you come to care for most. She said S leaving was the worst birthday present ever. It was so sad seeing her drive away as she waved goodbye through an open window. After she was gone, M wrote her name in the sand. At least now we have the technology to email, Skype and FB. We know it’s not goodbye but “until we meet again.”
To cheer her up I took her to her favorite hill. I let her roll down it after taking some birthday shots. We had a special dinner of spaghetti tacos. We only made cupcakes because we had a birthday bash for her on Saturday and had a custom cake made. It was a Monster High theme. Lots of fun fun fun. (We just found a paper plate under the sofa with a dried up bun and patty on it, lol.)
She is feeling better now but will occasionally cry, I just try to reassure her that it will get better with time. We are looking forward to her first Skype chat with S.
Happy Birthday M, we love you. Everything will be okay baby, I promise.
These three things go hand in hand with J2 this summer. Too bad we think dandelions are evil. On the bright side, they make for great photo opportunities. Fluffy doggie got a bath too, he looks so clean and new! Really enjoying all the daylight. We “are” in the land of the rising sun. Enjoy.