Well I am happy to say that I am caught up but still a week behind on my Project 52. Does that make sense? Well it doesn’t to me either and I’ll just leave it at that. Here is some external speak..I am caught up with the posts now but am still a week behind on my Project as I post every Monday and my week 6 is due ON Monday. No photo in sight. I am going to try my best as next week is Valentine’s Day!
Ok, this week’s theme is Storytelling. Here is K, my muse for this week. I was experimenting with low light and we were chatting. She was reading a book but I’d rather chit chat, it’s more fun. Love these individual intimate moments with all my little ones. Enjoy!
I’ve been MIA lately. Our house has been sick with the stomach flu, boo. Its no fun taking care of everyone when you feel terrible yourself. We are all on the mend except for the Commander who is still battling a cold. I was reading yesterday that here in Japan there is a flu epidemic. Let’s hope we dont get sick. I’ll have to keep the kids at home and not venture out too much.
Ok, back to business. I am a week behind and hope to catch up later this week. Last week’s theme was “smile” . When I look at this photo it just brings me a lot of joy, it reminds me of J2 and her silliness. It reminds me of childhood, having a favorite toy to toss around and hug. I’ve added a few more just because. So here we go again. Enjoy!
My baby Z celebrated her 2nd birthday last month. It was a lady bug theme and super cute! I made her cupcakes and a cake from scratch. Her big sisters helped decorate them too. They were so delicious, I made the butter cream frosting with a hint of lemon. 🙂 We had a great time but its so bitter sweet watching her grow! I’d love for her to stay a baby forever. Love love love you my darling little girl.
Happy Birthday baby!
This week’s theme is “Sleep”. Schoolwork…boring enough to put this little fourth grader to sleep, hehe. She has had so much homework this year, poor thing only gets to go out and play on the weekends. She doesn’t really fall asleep but had fun taking a little snooze for me. Enjoy!
It’s Monday and time for another Project 52 post. I am currently at week 2. This week’s prompt is Play. I could have taken photos all week, my girls are always playing and beyond creative but this photo was one of my faves. J2 is coloring up a rainbow these days, haha. Her skills have improved and I couldn’t be more proud. Really liked the lighting too. Here is J2 and her Tyrannosauruses. Enjoy!
In addition to my 52 week project, I am also starting a 10 on 10. Basically 10 photos posted on the 10th day of the month. This idea is not my own, many other photographers are doing or have done this type of project in the past. I was doubtful in whether I was going to do this project or not, I was thinking…”why, my life is kinda boring, monotonous.” Well it turns out, its quite exciting. I really enjoyed this day, it gave me a new perspective on what my day and life are like. I even starred in a puppet show (played the bunny). I look forward to next month. My life is great!
Presenting, 10 on 10, January edition. As usual, I couldn’t choose 10 so here are 12. Enjoy!
Happy New Year.
Last year I attempted to do a 52 week photo project with some amazing photographer. Each week we had a theme or prompt to inspire us. I was unable to finish. I made it to March, then the earthquake and tsunami hit. Afterward, I just never picked it back up, blame it on lack of motivation I guess. I didn’t want to keep disappointed my group so I dropped out. Now its 2012 and I am ready to try this again, only this time I’ll be doing my own 52 week project. Yes, a la solo, just me. 🙂 Same concept, I will have my own themes/prompts to get my creativity flowing. I am not going to repeat the weeks I did last year but will try and attempt some themes I did not cover from my group. I owe it to myself to follow through.
This week my theme is well….. “NEW”. An awesome new scarf! A great friend of mine brought this back from her trip to Taiwan. It’s really cool, there is a stuffed bunny at the end of it and the other end of the scarf just slips through underneath. Z loves it, scarf and toy in one. LOVE it. Thank you Auntie P. Enjoy.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours.
This is not photography related but worth sharing. It hits very close to home. We love Japan, especially the people. The kindest people I have ever met. We had an earthquake this past week, it woke me from my sleep and brought back feelings of 3.11. Very touching video.