Bittersweet Birthday
M celebrated her 9th birthday this Monday. It was cloudy and gloomy day. Ideal weather for a bittersweet birthday. Her BF of two years was moving away. It was so heartbreaking to see my little one so sad. I try to remind her that we are a part of a special community but with that comes saying goodbye to the ones you come to care for most. She said S leaving was the worst birthday present ever. It was so sad seeing her drive away as she waved goodbye through an open window. After she was gone, M wrote her name in the sand. At least now we have the technology to email, Skype and FB. We know it’s not goodbye but “until we meet again.”
To cheer her up I took her to her favorite hill. I let her roll down it after taking some birthday shots. We had a special dinner of spaghetti tacos. We only made cupcakes because we had a birthday bash for her on Saturday and had a custom cake made. It was a Monster High theme. Lots of fun fun fun. (We just found a paper plate under the sofa with a dried up bun and patty on it, lol.)
She is feeling better now but will occasionally cry, I just try to reassure her that it will get better with time. We are looking forward to her first Skype chat with S.
Happy Birthday M, we love you. Everything will be okay baby, I promise.